Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pickle Mania 2008

I found a good deal on pickling cucumbers through my Bountiful Basket,
so I decided to buy a few to can and make pickles. And by a few I mean
That's a lot of pickles! Brooke and I got together and hung out and pickled ourselves silly.
The prep work was the longest part of the process but it sill took our whole day. We ended up with 36 pint size jars of spears and 24 quarts of slices. Yes we canned 60 jars of pickles.
Hopefully they taste good!

Our little helper Remi

If I could live soley on pickles, my three month food storage supply would be done!


brookegfunk said...

The pickles were a good canning lesson and it was fun to hang out with you and baby carma corn -not fun is the pic of me -can you say ugliest ever and have it still be an understatement?Thanks for ruining my delicate self-esteem. :(

Mrs. Dub said...

I don't know how to can - and I'm not sure if pickles are the place to start, but I do know that you look great after losing all that weight. Congrats on getting second place! May your prize money be spent frivolously!

Kelli and Craig said...


Kelley Bochman Smith said...

All I can say is WOW!!!!!!

Julie said...

well now we know who to hit up for pickles, if things get bad! I love the pic of the jars it is really a great shot

Mary said...

If canning is a requirement for the Celestial Kingdom ... you will be there ... and I will not. I could never, ever grasp it ... and I did try, really I did.

Congratulations on conquering my fears. Now ... if I could just conquer them personally, I'd be set for life.

Luke and Niki said...

I tagged you on my blog!